Bloomington Bobcats
Boys - Girls
2023 - 2024 - 2025
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All times are adjusted ratings, which are calculated based on time relative to other runners in race.
Team Adjusted Rating is the team rating with runners missing from that race added back in.
Cells with NEI means there was not enough info to calculate adjusted ranking for that race.
Runners with red highlighting have not run recently and are not in the tournament simulation.

Season RatingPreseason Rating Seymour Invitational Mustang Invitational Brown County Eagle Classic
Date 8/22 9/3 9/14
Team Rating 1,331 1,283 1,296
Team Adjusted Rating 1,283 1,340 1,296
State RankRunnerSeason RatingPreseason Rating Seymour Invitational Mustang Invitational Brown County Eagle Classic
875  Wesley Tirey 11 18:28 19:11 18:04 18:40 18:17
1,068  Abraham Archer 9 18:45 18:40 18:52 18:39
1,177  Hayden Luidhardt 12 18:56 19:12 18:31 18:59 18:55
Emmett Churchfield 11 19:08 19:17 18:58
Marcus White 11 21:33 21:44 21:12 21:37
Asher Luidhardt 10 22:05 22:37 21:59 21:42
Justice Ulmet 11 22:33 23:10 22:31 21:53
Levi Moyer 10 22:43 22:36 22:24 23:01